Cyber Security

Malware/Virus Solutions
How do you know that your device is infected with Malware? The most common and easy to spot signs that you have some kind of Malware infection is your screen gets an increase in unwanted pop-up ads, your computer starts to run slower, your system crashes, you no longer have access to your files, data, or entire computer.

Email Solutions
Email is often the cornerstone of a business’s communication. Whether you need to communicate quickly with your employees or need a reliable method to contact clients, your email is necessary to keep your business running smoothly. Here at Crossaction Business IT Specialists, we can provide you with the right email solution for your company.

Hardware Solutions
Security breaches can be devastating for your business, particularly if you work with classified information or have clients’ confidential information. Your clients and employees need to be confident that you can protect their information, so it’s necessary to take any precautions available. Firewalls and network security are vital in protecting all of your imperative information.